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ISO Image - Prepare for Disaster recovery


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When you went through the DR Wizard, you were prompted for a 'save' location. I belive the default may be your My Documents folder. If all else fails, do a search on your computer for ISO files. Search for *.iso - which means search for any file name with the .iso extension.

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TXS Amy but I believe that window shows only when you have a storage type that has removable media. The next window asks where you want to save the catalogue and suggests My Docs. I had to abort my first attempt because I couldn't identify my ext hard drive, read the instructions more thoroughly, and then selected File as the storage type. Its my understanding the File backup set contains both the catalogue and the backed-up files and both are on the ext hard drive.


Will again search for iso file but intial search did not reveal it.

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and then selected File as the storage type. Its my understanding the File backup set contains both the catalogue and the backed-up files and both are on the ext hard drive.



This is absolutely correct when you are creating a file backup set. However, creating a Disaster Recovery iso image is a completely different operation and would have prompted you for a location to save the .iso file. Glad you were able to find it! cool.gif

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