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Compare before restore

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While I've used Retrospect for quite a few years now I'm still a rookie at many functions.




Retrospect has saved me more than once including this morning. :-)




Question is:




Is there a way to compare a Retropect Restore of a disk or folder to the current status of that disk or folder to see which files will be changed if Retrospect does a complete restore?




This AM I lost without any trace a number of files while trying to copy some files using file sharing. I used Retrospect to restore the files and folders to another partition and then went through comparing folder by folder. And then I replace the ones that were "damaged." Must be an easier way to find out the differences.




And BTW, is there a way to get empty folders when I Restore? I notice that Retrospect only restores folders with contents.




Hope the question is clear.




Thanks for the help.





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