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Operation Log Errors


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We're running a 5-Day Easyscript back-up. Every so often in the operation log we get error messages similar to the following:


1) Can't use Open File Backup option for Drive D (D:) on PKSERVER, error -3047 (disk inactivity threshold not met)


2) File "D:\orant\DATABASE\CTL1ORCL.ORA": didn't compare at offset 24,244 in stream "Data"


However, the status of the complete back-up operation is shown as "Successful" in the status bar.


Disk Inactivity threshhold has been reduced to 4500 and time has been increased to 15 minutes, and still we get the errros. Backup is during the night and there are no other operations that CPU processes other than back-up. I am not sure what "didn't compare at offset" means on the second error.


Please clarify why this might be happening and if there is anything else we can do to get rid of the errors.



Gaurav Jain

KMC, Inc.

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Try the following Registry edit and post results:


The registry key to change is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Roff\Paramaters


Replace all occurrences of "{windirplain}" with the appropriate Windows directory (most likely "winnt"). Also make sure that all double backslashes ("\\") are replaced by singles ("\"). A reboot is required to make this change effective.

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