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Configuring Yamaha CRW-F1E with Retrospect 6 Pro Win


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How can I configure my Yamaha CRW-F1ZE with Retrospect Pro 6 Win? I was able to successfully configure my Yamaha CRW with Retrospect Express 5.6 by downloading the Retrospect Driver Update 3.1 and then replacing the old rdu.rpx with the new rdu.rpx in the Retrospect Express 5.6 Folder. After installing Retro Pro 6 Win, I dragged the new rdu.rpx in the Retrospect 6 folder, however, this did not seem to help Retro Pro 6 recognize my Yamaha CRW. I went to Devices->Environment and right clicked on the Yamaha found in ID 0:0; Retro asks for a cd-rw disc, which I currently do not have, and so I was unable to continue in this direction.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.






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Can you outline the problems you are experiencing? It's not clear from your post.


I went to Devices->Environment and right clicked on the Yamaha found in ID 0:0


- Does the drive have a driver listed in the driver column?

- Do you see the drive listed in Configure > Devices?


What isn't working?


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Thank you for responding, Amy.


- The device does not have a device listed in the driver column

- The drive is not listed in Configure->Devices


(I am interpreting "driver column" to be the driver column in the Environment tab of the Storage Devices window when you go to Configure->Devices.)


My Yamaha CRW-F1E was working with Retro Express 5.6 Win after I installed the necessary Yamaha-specific driver (Yamaha_rdu31.exe, otherwise known as the Retrospect Driver Update 3.1, or rdu.rpx). After installing Retro Pro 6 Win, I placed this updated (Yamaha-tailored) rdu.rpx driver in the Retrospect folder; however, this did not enable Retro Pro 6 to recognize the Yamaha CRW-F1E drive.


Any suggestions?

I greatly appreciate your help.





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Retro Pro 6 Win, I placed this updated (Yamaha-tailored) rdu.rpx driver in the Retrospect folder; however, this did not enable Retro Pro 6 to recognize the Yamaha CRW-F1E drive.



This driver update is not required for this drive with Retrospect 6.0. Throw it away.


Try removing your configuration files to ensure they have not become corrupted. They will be located in one of the two following directories (depending on which OS you're running)





C:\Program Files\Dantz\Retrospect

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect

This is a hidden directory - if you can't find it, configure the computer to show hidden files and folders.





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Amy, good afternoon.


I removed the following files from the Program Files/Dantz/Retrospect directory:

rdu.rpx (Driver update)




Then I launched Retrospect (entered serial number), and Retrospect prompted me to run a Custom Configuration for my Yamaha CRW-F1E. I canceled this because I've tried this before and it did not work; (I only tried it with CDRs, and not CD-RWs.) Then, I checked Configure->Devices, and the CRW is not listed in the Status Tab. After closing Retrospect, I did confirm that the new config60.bak and config60.dat files that were generated were new; and they were new.


(I have already installed the latest Yamaha CRW-F1E firmware update, 1.0d.)


This drive was performing wonderfully in Retrospect Express 5.6. What can I do to make this work?


Thank you


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This drive should not prompt for Auto-Configuration. I actually use this very drive at hom in my own computer and it works flawlessly. Driver support is built in to Retrospect 6.0.


While in Retrospect, go to Configure > Devices > Environment and list Vendor, Product and Version exactly how it shows in the window.


Right click on the drive, and go to Configure CD-RW drive. Choose the option to Delete.


Does text in the top right corner indicate 'Devices visible using NT Passthrough' or 'Devices visible using ASPI'?


Make sure ASPI is installed. Run the ASPI check utility (ASPICHK.exe located in the Retrospect folder under Program Files:Dantz:Retrosepct). If it reports ASPI is not fully installed on your computer, or if the versions listed are not all at 4.60 or higher, run the ASPI installer (ASPIINST.exe, also in the Retrospect folder). For more information about ASPI, see “ASPI Explained” in the Retrospect User's Guide.


Make sure the drive is the Master drive on the second IDE channel.


If possible, try the drive on another computer.

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a couple months ago I tried to get the Yamaha CRW-F1E to work. It finally did, but it was VERY SLOW. (25MB/min) So I bought the new Lite-on recommended by Amy. (200MB+/min) Do a search and you'll find my posts in this forum on yamaha or CRW-F1 and you'll find my posts, including extensive speed testing.

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Steffan, thanks for the suggestion. Actually, I came across some of your posts when I was trying to solve my CRW-F1E problem. At the time, I just wanted it to work so I glossed over solutions involving other burners.

What media do you use to get 200MB/min Retrospect-LiteOn performance? What performance do you achieve with what you feel to be the most reliable and error-free media, if it is different from the media that gets you 200MB/min?

(I am very interested in boosting performance, for I have several 60 Gig hard drives that are full, for I am just learning and incorporating Backup software for the 1st time; with Retrospect, which I am discovering, and am finding to be fascinating.)


With TDK 48x and Memorex 48x I was getting ~ 48-53 MB/min performance.

With brand new, current Mitsui that are labeled 16x, and brand-new, current Taiyo Yuden that are unlabled I am getting 24-31 MB/min (Mitsui) and 20-28 MB/min (Taiyo).


Hearing 200 MB/min sounds incredibly enticing.

When I back up my mac client (os9) from my primary backup pc (win98se), performance with the the Memorex was ~20MB/min. Also, when I transfered to cdr from a hard disk back up set on the same primary pc, performance was ~24MB/min.

Would the Lite-On yield fast (High 100's MB/min) (cross-platform) network backups and disk to cdr transfers as well? (I would guess the answer is yes.)


What's the precise model of the Lite-On that you purchased and are having success with?


Thanks so much,




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I answered all your questions in post 20957




Note that Yamaha withdrew from the Optical Drive business on March 1, 2003. So your drive is an orphan.


I got several 100 disk spindles of Yamaha approved Imation 700 48x CDR at Office Max on sale for about $9 each.


Note that the write speed is 297MB/sec. Verify speed us much lower.


I've Asked Amy what DVD has the highest speed, but I've gotten no answer yet. The combo DVD/CDRW are looking more attractive, but I can't afford to buy four looking for the one that works best. (I bought and tested an HP, Norcent, and Yamaha, before I finally found the Lite-On CDRW)

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Steffan, do you ever get any errors during the writing and/or verification stages of a backup with the Imation CDRs (& the Lite-On LTR)?




No, but after doing a few verifies, I felt confident enough to skip that very slow step. So I might actually have an unknown problem in my backups.


However, the RP6 short name backup and failure to use the XP facility to backup files in use causes me more concern. Stomp Backup MyPC is much faster and does a more complete job, but I'm sticking with Dantz because I really like the way it handles snapshots in time and their backup algorithm. I just hope Rel 7 comes out soon so I can recommend the product to others without all the caveats.



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Steffan, I glossed over the recent "short name" problem post. Would you explain in to me in more simple terms?

Does this "short name" issue mean that RP6 will not successfully backup files that are beyond a certain amount of characters? Or in other words, if it is good enough for Windows (98SE) to handle (with respect to file name length), might it not be good enough for RP6 to successfully back it up?




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