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Super AIT (S-AIT) Support in Retrospect 6?

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Hello Everyone,


We plan to upgrade our tape backup operation in the near future. We are currently looking at Super DLT and Super AIT as our top contenders. Since Sony is a "Dantz Partner" can we assume S-AIT support will be coming soon to Retropsect 6.0? Any thoughts, ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.


Thank you,



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>> Any thoughts, ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.


Thought... tape is slow and expensive.


Idea... a hard drive solution might be exactly what you need.


Suggestion... get Retrospect 6 and four or five removable 120 GB hard drives to do a rotating backup of all data on every computer at two or three times the speed of tape.



It works for me! grin.gif But that's just my two cents.

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