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sorry!!! Sorry, no disk storage devices available".

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Now user to retrospec, using retrospect on MAC no problems. BUT, on the windows - nothing but problems.

First tried v5.x for w2k it would not recoginze my drive a "cendyne 48-12-48 CD-RW model CDICD00118". Its on the list with the caveat (Needs V6 professional).

So I bought a upgrade to v6.0. Installed it and tried to run it.

One time it recognized my drive, ran a ""configuration"" utility (for greater than ten minutes on a 4X Compusa CD-RW disk) and failed the test for 'continuous write'.

Now I have some new coasters_by_dantz!!! '''Some by V5.x and V6'''

The V6 will not recognize my drive: it is listed, however, in the APSI list as ('unit?')1.0 along with my HD and ZIP drive.

All v 6 wants to do now is use the Zip drive, this is not an option. It would take to long, and cost to much to do a backup on 12 Gbytes.


What do I do to get the Dantz to rcognize my cendyne 48/12/48 CD-RW drive and get it to do something, like a backup??? I tried the ctrl-alt-P-P, it changed to method in the ASPI list but did not make my drive available.


Thanks for any help confused.gif

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This drive is not yet supported for use with Retrospect. For a list of currently qualified devices, please see:




Dantz goes through a rigorous qualification process with every drive we test. This means that not every drive will be qualified and we can never guarantee that a particular device will be supported. Some drives do not get qualified ever, and some take 6 months to a year to get support. We have no way of telling if this drive will be supported or not at this moment.


We add device support often though, so do check back with our Hardware Compatibility list.


The 6.0 User's Guide details another new feature: the custom driver configurator. This provides a way to create a custom configuration for drives that are not recognized by Retrospect's built-in suite of drivers. Since a driver built on-the-fly has not been tested by our Hardware department, it's not officially supported, but it may be useful to many users. See page 31 in the User's Guide for details.

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