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? what could cause "spurious" timeshift and media errors with duplicates?

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(sorry for the repeat: posted by mistake to the os9 area)


i observe two kinds of errors when performing backups to file sets and duplicate volumes.


the first is sporadic media error claims, eg:


- 3/25/2003 7:56:06 AM: Copying osx.tschichold?

Can't write file ?pgsql-7.3.bom?, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: ?osx.tschichold/Library/Receipts/pgsql-7.3.pkg/Contents/Resources/pgsql-7.3.bom?.


this although subsequent examination with filemerge indicates that the original and the duplicate are identical



the second is claimed differences in modification time, eg:


- 3/25/2003 8:44:10 AM: Copying raidin.tschichold?

3/25/2003 10:15:13 AM: Comparing raidin.tschichold on backup.tschichold?

File ?xml-parser.lisp?: different modification date/time (src: 10/27/2002 1:12:30 AM, dest: 10/27/2002 2:12:30 AM), path: ?raidin.tschichold/Backups/Development/xml/xml-20021028/code/xparser/xml-parser.lisp?.


whereby a subsequent examination of the respective files indicates that their modification times are, "in fact" identical:


[tschichold:~] janson% ls -l /Volumes/raidin.tschichold/Backups/Development/xml/xml-20021028/code/xparser/xml-parser.lisp

-rw-r--r-- 1 janson staff 42067 Oct 27 01:12 /Volumes/raidin.tschichold/Backups/Development/xml/xml-20021028/code/xparser/xml-parser.lisp

[tschichold:~] janson% ls -l /Volumes/backup.tschichold/raidin.tschichold/Backups/Development/xml/xml-20021028/code/xparser/xml-parser.lisp

-rw-r--r-- 1 janson staff 42067 Oct 27 02:12 /Volumes/backup.tschichold/raidin.tschichold/Backups/Development/xml/xml-20021028/code/xparser/xml-parser.lisp

[tschichold:~] janson%


does anyone know what could be causing this?





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File xml-parser.lisp: different modification date/time (src: 10/27/2002 1:12:30 AM, dest: 10/27/2002 2:12:30 AM)



This is a long standing interaction between Mac OS and Retrospect, going back as far as I can remember. Dantz explains it as an Apple bug.


The date of your file is the day of Daylight Savings Time (spring forward, fall back...). Expect these errors to show up at least twice a year.



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