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Error 206 with v.5.238 and Pioneer DVR-104

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Error 206 with v.5.238 and Pioneer DVR-104 rev. A227 in a G4 MDD dual 1gig:

this problem is inconsistent and happens on both OS X or OS 9.


1. %50 failed on OS X.

claimed media, device, etc. to be bad

2. worked on OS 9.2 for while, until it failed a 750 mb. b/u (already 1.6 g on dvd previously)

3. verify fail, restore fail, unable to continue b/u with disc

4. wasted 3 dvd's so far ($9) plus the cost of software, and the upgrade fee..



error 206 : "Trouble reading: ?1-greyfelix_witr? (2015), error 206 (drive reported a failure: dirty heads, bad media, etc.)."


as with others who have reported, the drive has never failed on any other projects.

i'm using the highly recommended Apple DVD-R's, 2x burn speed.


what's going on?

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