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Backup on compare freezes

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I want to make Retrospect work, but I have some very annoying problems with it. Sometimes its fine, but say 2 out of 5 times on a compare it freezes on any particular file. No event messages are generated on the logs, in fact Retrospect doesnt crash but just sits there halted. You cannot even close the app, the close item is grayed out.

I'm runing win2000 server with a 60 day trial copy of vers 6.0. Backups are made to a USB2 HDD running as a G drive. Backups fail on sheduled and immediate backups. The open file option is NOT set.


Please if you have any ideas, otherwise its back to Veritas for me .....


Julian Robbins

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Does this occur consistently or intermittently? Does the freeze always occur on the same source volume or on different sources?


Do you have the disk capacity to test a backup going to the local drive rather then to the USB drive?


How is the USB drive formatted? Have you checked it with a disk utility?


What else is running during the backup? Try running the backup with all other programs and unneeded processes quit to determine if there is a software conflict.

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Hi Amy



Does this occur consistently or intermittently? Does the freeze always occur on the same source volume or on different sources?



It occurs intermittently. Not sure whether it freezes on the same source. I back up both drives on my server, C: & d:/ There is very little difference between them.



Do you have the disk capacity to test a backup going to the local drive rather then to the USB drive?



Possibly. I'll look at this later.



How is the USB drive formatted? Have you checked it with a disk utility?



The drive is formatted as NTFS. Windows 2000 Disk Utility reports no errors.



What else is running during the backup? Try running the backup with all other programs and unneeded processes quit to determine if there is a software conflict.



Only a mail-list and mail server are left running. Do you also mean resident programs such as Anti-virus apps? AVG is also running but I really don't want to turn that off!


I have 5 USB2 HDDs (all the same 120GB drives). The errors seem to occur on different HDD's.



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