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catalog out of sync errors

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Note: I also posted this as a reply in the OS 9 forum, but then realized my error and I am starting a new thread here.


As stated in the OS 9 thread, out of sync errors should be rare with hard disks. However, I am seeing them a lot, around once a week. I am running RS 5.0.238 on a B&W 300, 512MB RAM, OS X 10.2.4, with 3 internal IDE drives.


Drive 1: 14GB Quantum Fireball, boot drive, RS, catalog files: 8GB free

Drive 2: 80GB IBM Deskstar, File backup of Drive 1 and 2 network clients (5.0.540): 50GB free

Drive 3: 80GB IBM Deskstar, File backup of Drive 1 and 2 network clients (5.0.540): 50GB free


I use a backup server script to write to separate file backups on each 80GB drive. The backup that went out of sync today was last recycled on 3/8/03 (8 days ago). It has 10 sessions, 3 snapshots, 10GB and 210,000 files. The backups sets on Drives 2 and 3 have both gone out of sync regularly.


When I Update the Catalog, it takes about 30 seconds and catalogs about 10MB of stuff. Verify reports that all is well. The biggest problem is that restores from these "repaired" backup sets have had problems restoring (Backup set format inconsistency), so I don't trust them anymore. Disk Utility reports no problems with any of the drives.


Any suggestions on how I can try to stop these from happening? Thanks,



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Disk Utility reports no problems with any of the drives.



Disk Utility does not give the drives the same sort of workout that a Retrospect Backup Set does.


How do the two extra IDE drives interface with the Blue & White? I seem to recall that those early Pro models had some issues with multiple internal IDE drives on the built in bus (the first ROM version didn't even support a second slave device).


I'd suggest getting a PCI IDE card, and put the drives on their own bus.



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