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Backup painfully slow


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My backup device is an OnStream USB30 tape unit. It's not the fastest device in the world, but it seems that Retrospect Server 6.0 is very inefficient in the way it does the backup. It seems very much like Retrospect is doing the following:


find a file

back it up

find another file

back it up



The amount of data being backed up isn't huge; maybe 5GB in the full backup followed by 1GB in incremental backups. However, the full backup takes 14 hours or more and incremental backups are at least 6 hours long.


Previous backup software that I've used was much more efficient, spawning one thread to find files and another to do the backup. The OnStream Echo software, horrible as it was, would do a full 12GB backup in about 6 hours.


Is there any way to speed this process up?

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If you have enough disk space on a sepatare HD, try backing up to a file instead. If you don't see any improvement than it must be the snapshot creation that is taking so long. If snapshot option is on than Retrospect will catalog all the files on your HD even if you are backing up just one...see my other post "TIP for backing up multiple clients"...





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