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80/160GB Drive only using 80GB of tape


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Isnt retrospect supposed to take care of the compression? my tapes only seem to be using 80GB they are VXA23 80/160 80GB native and 160GB compressed, but it is software ocmpression that is supposed to take care of that no?


Any ideas?




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the 160 on 80/160 tapes is usually grossly inflated, I've never been able to get 50% compression, ever.


While Retro. will report using 80GB since that is the size of the tape, it should report the amount of compression in the Operations Log... is there anything there? And is the 'use software compression' box checked? wink.gif

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Thanks amy those articles do comtain a lot of useful information,




uhh ajohnson -> my logs say absolutely nothing about the % of compression or anything about compression at all, it would be great if there was a place I could go to see the exact % of compression that retrospect used...






and yes, my use software compression box is checked...







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Retrospect will only display compression percentages in the log if software compression is actually being used. Tape drive backup sets use hardware compression by default because it's more efficient. It is not possible to get compression percentages from the tape drive.


To use software compression, you'll need to make a new backup set. During the backup set creation - uncheck the box for hardware compression. You can now use software compression with this backup set. The compression option cannot be toggled after the set is created.

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