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I am new to this forum; not sure how it works, yet. I recently updated our OSX Server 10.1 to 10.2; I then updated our Retrospect (desktop) 5 to 5.0.238 from the site. When I click on the Retrospect program icon to start it up, whether I chose to login with a password or not, Console genrates a crash report, with an entry in the console.log. The crash report in /Library/logs/CrashReporter/RetroRun.crash.log shows that retrorun crashed, with some thread info that is impenetrable. The Retrospect screen comes up and it seems to work; I seem to have made a full immediate manual backup, and I also had a successful restore of a test document. I have not tried to set a scheduled backup, since postings on this site show that retrorun has to run in order for that to happen. In brief, it seems to work OK manually after I simply quit the Console crash log and close the retrorun.crash.log. Dantz no longer offers any support of any sort without extracting payment, and I can't find anything on their support site that admits to problems of this sort. Any help. or confirmation that yes, this happens, but the backups are still good if performed manually will be appreciated.

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Trash your updated Retrospect application and reinstall directly from the 5.0.238 installer (your serial number and settings will not be effected).


Then go to:


and delete the RetroRun folder.


Try again with this fresh version of the Application.




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Dave, I took your suggestion and it worked! Thanks for your advice, it did the trick. I have tested it with both an immediate backup and a scheduled backup. I sort of thought from some of the other postings that there were problems running scheduled backups and I thought that RetroRun was needed to do those. As a point of curiosity, what does RetroRun do for me and why does it work without it? Anyway, thanks,again!

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I sort of thought from some of the other postings that there were problems running scheduled backups and I thought that RetroRun was needed to do those. As a point of curiosity, what does RetroRun do for me and why does it work without it? Anyway, thanks,again!



retrorun is the unix daemon that launches Retrospect on schedule. Unattended scripts won't launch without it running.


When Retrospect runs it checks to see if /Library/StartupItems/RetroRun/retrorun is in place, and if not it puts it there (there's a copy in the Retrospect application bundle). The update sems to not have replaced the old file one for some users; reinstalling clean makes everything work as expected.





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