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Disabling backing up files in aliased folders

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Is there a way to prevent Retrospect (desktop 5) from backing up files in a folder alias? I have a Mac with multiple users. I place an alias for some shared folders (which reside on a second disk) in each of the user's documents folder. It appears that Retrospect includes the files in the aliased folders in a backup of the user's directories. I have tried setting an exclusion rule to exclude files where alias flag is set, but it still backs up the files in the aliased folders. Does anyone know how to avoid this?



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There are no files in a folder alias. An alias is a file that points to a target file, folder or volume. It's not a folder that can contain other files.


Retrospect cannot resolve an alias back to the target. For example, there is an alias to Internet Explorer on the desktop. If Retrospect backs up only the Desktop folder, the Internet Explorer alias will be backed up - but not the Internet Explorer application file that the alias links to.


Your users may be copying the files from the server alias to their user directory. Setting the selector criteria to: Exclude files matching 'alias flag is set' will only exclude the actual alias file.



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