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What is BaseDrive.vhd?

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I noticed on a number of my Mac OS X clients a rather large file named "BaseDrive.vhd" is being backed up. I did a search on my machine for this file (visible AND invisible) and nothing is found. Perhaps this file has something to do with Virtual PC 6? This is a common application on the clients' machine.



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  • 5 months later...

I have encountered the problem with BaseDrive.vhd but it is not clear from the Forum posts what to do about it. Finder cannot locate the file (which I assume is linked with the Virtual PC) so, as far as I know, I cannot include it in the exceptions. Any advice on this very annoying problem would be very welcome.


Another problem: in the preview, there are two folders which it reports have only one file in them when, in fact, there are numerous folders and files, some of which I wish to un-mark. These folders and files do not appear anywhere else. Again any advice would be very welcome.

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I have encountered the problem with BaseDrive.vhd but it is not clear from the Forum posts what to do about it. Finder cannot locate the file



If the file is on the drive, here are some ways you could find it:


- Use Retrospct: Configure->Volumes->Browse. Then Find the file by name, then Get Info on any resulting matches to get the path.


-Use the BSD "locate" command: In terminal, type:

sudo locate BaseDrive.vhd

enter your password when prompted


This should quickly return the file's location. The locate command updates its database every day.


- Use the BSD "find" command: In terminal, type:

sudo find / -name BaseDrive.vhd -print

enter your password if prompted


This will go through each and every file, on any and all mounted volumes, and return a match. If the file's there it will show. If it does not show, it is not there.



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  • 2 months later...

If you go to the folder in your documents "Virtual PC List" and right click or control click on the file "Windows XP Professional" and "Show Package Contents"...you will see yet another "Windows XP Professional" file...do the same. It is at this point you will see the basedrive.vhd. The problem I am having is that I have filtered this file out every which way to Sunday and each time I use Virtual PC Retrospect wants to back up the 7gb virtual drive. I will have to pay $70 to Dantz tech support to find out why which burns me. I have posted this filter issue back in July and I have yet to get one reply. I even sent my question to the forum leaders who chose to ignore it. I came back in today to see if someone had replied...nope! So I searched on .vhd and have all the threads there seem to not even know how to find the file let alone filter it. Dantz obviously has some fixes to do...they want me to now pay for the next upgrade which doesn't off much from what I can see. Some have said that it is only fixes to the version i am using.


Sorry to air my laundry here...just annoyed at the lack of support I have gotten here and that it costs so much to find out though tech support for something in the code that is flawed.



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