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Firewire media & file selection

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Am probably duplicating posts somewhere but after a couple hundred bucks on FireWire media and mucho $$$ in lost time...I'm not going to have any hair left if this goes on much longer.


Running OS 9.1 and Retro 4.3 on Mac

Backing up 4 clients in OS 9; 1 on OS X.

Using 2=40G Maxtor and 1=120G FW external drives




1. Neither 40G will mount on desktop (In contact w/Maxtor about it, not a Retro problem unless there's a magic trick I don't know about.)


2. Want to run scripts Tu We Th Fr between 1-6 a.m. Scheduling isn't the problem in writing the scripts, but I can't get files in specific folders (i.e. Design Files) modified/created within 24 hrs to write to duplicate/overwrite. Tried the include/exclude feature, but still duplicates entire folder of Gigs of info. Including specific folders means specifying up to fifty folders in some cases. Would selecting only hot or cool-labeled folders alleviate this problem?


3. Any suggestions for a rotation to keep one drive (preferably the 120) off-premise in event of catastrophe? In the heyday when things worked (not under my supervision, obviously) Tu We Th Fr backed up to Firewire 1; on Fridays, FW 1 backed up to FW 2, overwriting corresponding files. FW 2 then went off-site. The 120 Gig came into the picture last week and already contains info from FW1 & 2 (which have the same files) to use for overwriting/duplicating.


Have to admit, I'm not a techie, but usually can work my way through computers. Why isn't this going smoother and where have I fallen apart on selecting files?


TIA, Cathy

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Running OS 9.1 and Retro 4.3 on Mac, Backing up 4 clients in OS 9; 1 on OS X.


4.3 cannot properly backup OS X. At best, you may be able to properly restore data files. An upgrade to 5.0 is required for OS X support.


1. Neither 40G will mount on desktop (In contact w/Maxtor about it, not a Retro problem unless there's a magic trick I don't know about.)


Nope, not Retrospect. You may want to try the drives on another computer. The hardware vendor is the best source of information for this problem.


but I can't get files in specific folders (i.e. Design Files) modified/created within 24 hrs to write to duplicate/overwrite. Tried the include/exclude feature, but still duplicates entire folder of Gigs of info. Including specific folders means specifying up to fifty folders in some cases. Would selecting only hot or cool-labeled folders alleviate this problem?


Using the Hot Items (to include) or the Exclude Cool items (to exclude) files/folder will allow you to customize your backup. Using either of these selectors, when the root level of a folder is selected all contents are also selected. The following article will go into more detail on selector creation:





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