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Tape Library issue


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Running v.6.0 Multiserver, Win 2000 Server. Want to use an Exabyte 10e library. After enabling NT Passthrough I'm able to see both the tape drive and the library in the Environment window. The tape drive is at SCSI ID 3-0 and the library is at 3-3, but the configure devices window does not recognize the slots, just the tape drive.


I'm not sure what else to try. Any suggestions?



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Dantz does not recommend assigning any autoloader or tape library the SCSI ID of 0 (zero). Autoloaders assigned an ID of 0 may not display loader menus and options correctly, and in some cases may cause hanging or freezing of the device and/or your system.

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Thanks for the quick reply, Amy. I must have had some precognition of your thoughts this morning though, because I came in and changed the tape drive ID to 1 and the library ID to 5. Still no joy. How stringent is the rule that the ID numbers only be 3 apart? I'm not sure why I did 1 and 5, but I will try 1 and 4 just to be safe. Anything else?




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OK, I figgered it out.


On SCSI bus 0 I have my hard drive at ID 0 and my CD at ID 1


The Exabyte stuff was on Bus 2 at ID 1 for the tape drive and ID 4 for the library.


Just so that there could be no possible conflict, I moved the tape drive to ID 2 and the library to ID 5. Bingo, everything works.


So the moral of the story is, it doesn't matter what SCSI bus things are on, the ID numbers have to be different.


Thanks for your help, Amy.

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