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Double back up size

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I back up two drives to a third firewire drive using RS 4.3 on Mac OS 9.2.2. I noticed the backup of one drive is twice the size that it needs to be. The drive I'm backing up has 11GB of info but the backup is over 23GB. The log reports show incremental daily backups but the size in the get info window on the backup set is twice the size as it should be. The drive in question is my boot drive. I have a second drive that has just under 4GB to back up and the backup set for it is also just under 4GB. Why is the backup set for my boot drive twice as big as it should be? Any help would be appreciated.



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A normal, incremental backup appends the changed files to the existing backup set. That, is, each time you run a backup the file will grow. The second drive may be changing very few files daily while the boot drive may be changing many files and/or large files.


To get a better idea of which files are backing up daily, go to Reports > Contents and browse the backup sessions in the backup set. The sessions will show you specifically which files are backing up daily - you may be backing up more then you expected. In the Express Edition you can view contents by going to Configure > Backup Sets. From the Backup Sets drop down menu, select View Contents.



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