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Incremental Transfers?


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I have a dedicated computer running Windows XP and Retrospect 6.

Connected to it is a disk array of 300GB and a 15 tape DLT changer. The

DLT and computer are too slow to backup all my clients on-time. So, I

decided to back them up to the disk array (very fast). Then during the

wee-mornings I can "transfer" the disk backup to the DLT drive.


I setup two backup sets. (a) "Scratch Disk" which is the disk array

(fully allocated, formatted by retrospect and all). (B) "DLT Backup

Set" a backup set that uses the DLT tape changer.


Then I have a proactive server script backing up my clients to "Scratch

Disk" (always runs). Every morning, the proactive server is stopped by

a "transfer" script that transfers "Scratch Disk" to "DLT Backup Set".


Seems logical right? The problem is that I the transfer doesn't seem

to be incremental. Worse yet, it seems to append to DLT Backup Set

every time my script runs. Thus, DLT Backup Set winds up growing

exponentially and using up my 15 tapes. DLT Backup Set claims to be

264GB while Scratch Disk is only 176GB.


Is there some way of pulling this off with Retrospect?


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