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Launcher Service is not running


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I have been running for several months with Retrospect 6.0 single server using the retrospect launcher to start the backup every evening using a network user account for the launcher service. We have experienced no problems with this method until yesterday where the following message was sent

'application failed to initialize properly 0XC0000142. Click ok to terminate.'

The launcher must have kept trying because the taskmanager showed many instances of retrospect.exe were present.

Now when I close retrospect I get the error message

'Retrospect Launcher service is not running' - though according to the Services manager it IS running - tried stopping and restarting service - no change

We are having this problem on 2 of our 4 servers only. All servers use the same network user to start the Launcher service.

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When you look at the Retro Launcher under Services, what ID is it running under (logged in as?). And what ID are you logged in as to look at it? I've seen the "Launcher not running" message when I'm logged in as "Fred" and the RL service is running under "Joe" when I quit Retro. I don't recall if that happens if the RL is running as LocalService.


I don't have any ideas about your bigger problem.

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