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Can't Login Client (error -1028 client not visible on network)

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I have a home network consisting of 3 Macs and a PC. I've recently shuffled the machines around and decided to assign the task of backup server to a different computer. After installing Retrospect on the desired backup server and installing Retrospect Client software on the former backup server, I set about to configuring the clients.


The Windows 98 PC and an older Power Macintosh 5500 with Mac OS 8.6 showed up as responding on the network. The old backup server, an OS X 10.2.3 upgraded iMac, shows up on the network, but is grayed-out and requires logging in. The client software on that iMac is the latest version, 5.0.540, is turned on and is waiting for first access. When I try to login to the iMac I receive the "error -1028 (client not visible on the network)" message. I share drives between all four of the computers using TCP/IP, Appletalk and Samba. Shared drives from this iMac are easily mounted on the backup server. File sharing tasks between the two computers take place with ease, yet Retrospect is unable to connect. Why?


This iMac is a Rev B with 384 MB RAM, an 80 GB drive with Mac OS X 10.2.3 on the first 8 GB partition. This OS has evolved from 8.6 thru 9.1 and OS X Public Beta. The new backup server is a G3 All-In-One also with Mac OS X 10.2.3, 768 MB RAM, a 4GB Internal IDE drive and 120 GB of removable storage on a FireWire/USB2.0 hard drive.


What do you suppose might be restricting the configuration of Retrospect Client?



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Go to the System Preferences (from the Apple Menu) and click Network. Change the pull-down menu to Show Active Network Ports. Make sure that the port that you wish to use with Retrospect is listed first in this window. If not, you may change the order by dragging the desired item to the top of the list. This may be needed if you have two network cards.


Make sure the OS 10.2 Firewall (System Preferences > Sharing) is either off or that it allows access for Retrospect on Port 497.

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I followed the recommendations made above with no results or improvement. I've also noticed that the iMac can't use FireWire subvolumes as destination disks. It can duplicate to an entire FireWire volume or partition, but not to any depth of the directory - no folders, or enclosed folders whatsoever. Each time I create or define a subvolume for use in a script, on execute, Retrospect declares that the volume no longer exists. This is starting to look like an Operating System issue. I will, in the next few days, perform a clean install on the troublesome iMac and see if that offers any improvements

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks! The Firewall was indeed what prevented me from logging in to the client.


The other issue about not being able to duplicate onto a subdirectory was related to a fat32 formatted partition. Things appear to be operating better for now.


Again, Thanks



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  • 3 weeks later...

Can the firewall cause the -1028 error even if the backup server and the clients are on the same hub, behind the firewall?


I'm getting the -1028 error for most clients when an automatic backup is executed. I can see the clients and run the same script manually from the Retrospect application.


We're using a SonicWall, with all machines on the LAN; none on the DMZ.

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