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Complaint - overzealous warning messages

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Yesterday I left an audio cd in the Retrospect server's CD-ROM drive. As a result, the nightly back ups did not occur. Why? A warning message explaining that the CD-ROM wouldn't be used for my nightly back ups blocked the scripts from commencing.




As the back ups are set for DLT tapes and I have absolutely no back up scripts set to use CDs - why isn't Retrospect smart enough to know that whatever is in the CD drive won't affect the backups and just ignore the media in the CD-ROM drive?




Overzealous warning messages are unproductive; not preventative measures.

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I don't often load an audio CD into my G4. So it wasn't 'til last night that I gotten bitten by this bug -- audio CD halts backup to tape.


Given the tiny capacity of a CD-RW or the relatively small capacity of a DVD, it doesn't make much sense for Retrospect to consider an optical drive to be default destination for a backup.


It seems to me that Retrospect should offer a way to "hide" an optical drive unless it's specifically requested.


-- Ward

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