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Retrospect 5.x with older (AppleTalk) clients

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I've been looking and looking for a solution to this.


We have 5.x Server on OS X... and the copies of the clients to install I have are all set to AppleTalk. I started setting up a machine with our old 4.3 server software (which does support AppleTalk) just to switch clients I'm installing to TCP/IP but I lost a lot of the updates when I restored a volume which had a lot of our sw on it (the resource forks got lost, making a TON of our sw useless).




in any event, where can I find a client that's already set to TCP/IP. I tried copying one from another computer but then I get a conflict of course (by name when the two are up and by validation code if i turn one off, change the name, and have them both up).




pls help.





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