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Downgrade from Server to WorkGroup

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I've purchased two licenses for my department - one server & one workgroup.


I've been using the server license for my current backups, but I've got a new


machine that's going to be taking up that license and I want to implement the


workgroup license on my current backup server which is going to be handling


far fewer clients.




However, I want to keep the clients and scripts currently in play on this machine.




I've attempted to downgrade from server to workgroup, but the license manager


will not allow this. It will also not allow me to remove the server license.




I've also run the uninstaller, but the option to remove the license will also remove


my current clients and scripts.




Is there some way I can accomplish this without having to re-connect all my


clients and remake all of my scripts?




Currently running on OS X 10.2.2 w/Retrospect 5 - Had been up to 5.0.238, but I


haven't upgraded back since I ran the uninstall so I'm back down to 5.0.205.





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