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Problem with Duplicate

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I tried running a dup to a subvolume on an external HD (LaCie d2 200GB with 3 partitions). I was booted under 10.1.5 off my Powerbook G4 Internal Drive (which was the Source drive)






Numerous times during the back-up (like every 10 minutes) Retro came to a halt changing the "Pause" button to "Continue" requiring me to sit there throughout the endless process.




At one point, I thought something might be wrong in my Energy Saver -- and double checked them: as I'd intended both "Put system to sleep" AND Hard drive sleep were set to Never. Retro was set to run Unattended.


Nothing was set to pause at errors. What could be wrong?






Further, I recieved numerous (16) errors that file's CREATION date did not match. In each case there was an hour's discrepancy between the source and destination creation date -- suggesting an issue with daylight savings (ala OS 8.1). But I find it strange that this would be the case for only 16 files. The files in question are Photoshop Picts -- (not something running in the background during the backup)






I should note that I've backed up the very same files many times under OS9 Retro 4.3 on my G4. -- I'd copied them over to my PBook.




What would cause this?




Should I expect problems if I restore them? Is there something really wrong




Would it help if I changed their creation date manually -- so that at least Retro stops complaining?




Thanks in Advance,



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Add this to the list of LaCie FW HD users who have reported problems here on the Forum.




At least one poster suggested a firmware upgrade, but I don't know what LaCie offers.




As for the Daylight's Saving Time, it's a long (long, long, long) standing Apple bug that has migrated to OS X with the rest of us. It only happens on files who's dates are on those special Spring and Fall days when we change the clock. If you change the create/mod dates to any other day Retrospect will probably not complain.




But the files themselves have been backed up in their entirety.





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THANKS for date fix suggestion - I figured there would be an easy solution - just didn't know which way to go.




AS for the Duplicate Pause Problem:




The interesting Part: after the mess trying to Duplicate (my internal) to the LaCie from booted from the Powerbooks Internal:




I installed System Software (OSX from Installer, drag copied OS9 from my Internal)on to the LaCie.


I installed Retro while booted off of the LaCie under OS9 onto my LaCie.


I then rebooted and ran both a Dup and a Backup from Retrospect on the LaCie -- oddly this ran flawlessly (although I naturally still had the date issues).




I still suspect:


A) The LaCie's auto-mount "feature" is the root of prob's with the new LaCie HD's -- I think there's some funky interaction going on with energy saver (even when none of the drives are set to sleep)




B) Retro doesn't play nice in OSX while run from the boot disk. see RANT Below






RANT: Frankly I find Retro5 g*d-awfull -- it's gotten so bloody picky, and finicky) I have numerous backup drives (CD-RWs, Ecrix VXA, Peerless, and the LaCie HD) - EVERY bloody one of them has so many of and-if/ors or buts I've got a headache.




Currently It's Retrospect preventing me from moving to OSX for real -- I simply can't move to X till I'm damn sure I can back up reliably - in particular that my backup drive will actually be supported next week.




Ah ...that feels good to get off my chest.







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