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Lose Source when Restart?


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Each time I restart my Mac, the Sources listed that are partitions on an external drive containing a Retrospect Copy (boot partition) then show up twice on in my Sources list in Retrospect.


One will have a lightening icon and the Copy Script with that partition as a destination will no longer be valid.


I then Remove that source in the Source list and update the script using the other boot partition by the same name as the destination. All is then well.


Very time consuming. :-(


Do others have this issue? Is there a fix?


Thank you.

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There seems to be a disconnect in when the "config80.dat" file is updated (which flushes the edits to your sources and scripts).


What seems to be a common way to flush the edits to the file is to open and close the Console preferences (you don't have to change anything). That should make them "stick" better.



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I will do that now but did you mean that suggestion to apply whenever I unmount/mount "sources" as in a Restart or just a one time action?


Appreciate the help.


PS How does one find out if Roxio is going to actively maintain and update Retrospect? I don't seem to be on the "in" in terms of information anymore. Thanks.

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Sorry, I misread this thread...


Can you give a more detailed description of what you mean by sources and on what machine you are "restarting"?


is this the engine machine that has this external drive connected to it? Are you running the console from the engine machine? What is the name of the internal hard disk as well as the partitions on the external drive, etc....



(as for if Retrospect is being actively maintained -- I believe it is even after the sale of Sonic -- I don't think the Retrospect team is *that* large, so they appear to alternate between Windows releases and Mac releases accordingly...)

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Sorry, I misread this thread...


Can you give a more detailed description of what you mean by sources and on what machine you are "restarting"?


is this the engine machine that has this external drive connected to it? Are you running the console from the engine machine? What is the name of the internal hard disk as well as the partitions on the external drive, etc....



(as for if Retrospect is being actively maintained -- I believe it is even after the sale of Sonic -- I don't think the Retrospect team is *that* large, so they appear to alternate between Windows releases and Mac releases accordingly...)


By Sources, I mean those listed when I select Sources in the Retro Console sidebar. In my cases, the sources listed include our two Macs on our LAN and the 6 external hard drive partitions connected to my Mac.


Within those 6 partitions, there is 1 for my Mac and one for my wife's Mac that is an actively (updated daily) boot partition. And when I Restart my Mac, or unmount and mount the hard drives, those two partitions turn into 4 partitions with one for each Mac having the lightening bolt icon. I hope that makes sense. Please ask again if not.


Yes, this machine has the Retro 8 Engine and the external drives attached.

And yes, I run the Console from this Mac.

Tough questions on a Friday ;);) ..... Let's see, I'll just do this for my Mac:


Internal hard disk: Allie

External boot: WTT2 Allie Boot

External boot: LaCie1 Allie Boot



Thanks very much for helping on this.


And thanks for the bit of info on Retro maintenance. Over the years, I would talk to a group in the Bay Area who were very helpful in explaining and solving problems.


I'm trying to figure out where Retro is going. I like it plus I'm not sure there is an alternative for my situation where I want to backup and copy another Mac on a LAN from my machine.


Thanks again.

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So, what happens if you do this:


1) Shut down your mac. Connect the external drive powered on


2) Restart your mac. (I'm assuming that Retrospect automatically logs in)?


3) Do you automatically log into an account at this point? Or do you boot to a login screen?



Remember -- by default, external drives are *not mounted* until you log in.


This command will mount the drives (so Retrospect will see them) at startup if you leave the machine at the login screen:


defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/autodiskmount AutomountDisksWithoutUserLogin -bool true


(I think -- it's been a while since I used it...)



But, my guess is that is your problem -- you restart the engine, the drives are *not mounted*, so the engine doesn't see them at the time the engine finishes starting up and you then open the console and the drives are missing from the sources.



You might also get around this by not having the engine start automatically and just have it start when you know the drives are mounted.



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Thank you. But I may not get to this until Saturday or Monday.


In meantime, would someone please answer a question I've posted before the answer to which is probably staring at me.... How do I use this Fusion BB and specifically how do I reply and add responses inline of the original post.


Thank you.

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So, what happens if you do this:


You might also get around this by not having the engine start automatically and just have it start when you know the drives are mounted.



I thought that was a Preference. How does one set the Engine to start or not on Mac startup?


Thank you

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So, what happens if you do this:



You might also get around this by not having the engine start automatically and just have it start when you know the drives are mounted.




Same problem.


Thanks for your help. I'll assume that maybe the next version will fix the problem.

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Wait -- if the problem happens when you "restart your mac" -- how are you reproducing the problem when you are *not* restarting your mac?


If you mount the volumes by plugging in the external drive, start the engine, make sure the volume on the external drive are visible in "sources", then *stop* the engine and restart the engine (with the external drive still connected)-- are you saying that the external drive partitions are *gone* when you go back into the console?

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Wait -- if the problem happens when you "restart your mac" -- how are you reproducing the problem when you are *not* restarting your mac?


If you mount the volumes by plugging in the external drive, start the engine, make sure the volume on the external drive are visible in "sources", then *stop* the engine and restart the engine (with the external drive still connected)-- are you saying that the external drive partitions are *gone* when you go back into the console?


Not sure why you thought I was not restarting my Mac.


I set the Engine to not start on Start/Restart. After booting and connecting and mounting the drives, I then started the Engine.


Same issue.... two instances of one of the external partitions. One with the lightening bolt and the Script using it was null.


As said, thank you for your help. Spend too much of my time, and yours, on this.

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So, you have two instances of the external partitions."


Yes, one with a "lightening bolt."


What if you remove the "bad" ones now -- do you get one set of partitions that stay there?


What I do "each and every time" this happens is:

I Remove the bad one

Redo the Script with the other as the Destination


No problems.


It is just a time consuming and frustrating step every time I restart or shutdown/start or unmount and mount external drives.


End of story. ;)

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Yes -- but my question was more of if you do the following:


1) stop the engine


2) Mount the drive


3) Start the engine


4) Clean up the sources so that only one instance of the active volumes on the external drive show


5) Stop the engine. Leave the drive mounted


6) *Restart the engine*


Do the drives show as you expect? Or are they now still showing *two* instances of the external drive volumes?




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I'm just suggesting that it's not a bug that could be fixed if it's more a question of how you use the program with the constrictions of the operating system.



Well, I can't Restart or Unmount and Mount without this happening. So I call it a bug. ;)


I'm going to leave as is and just continue to waste time each time that I Restart, Unmount/Mount, or Startup my Mac.


I've now gotten the "repair" down to a routine that this oldie can follow. ;)


Thanks again for your help. Let's call it a "case closed."

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