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How to find media sets?


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I backup to external drives and rotate those drives with one always being disconnected.


Upon reconnecting the disconnected drive this month, the media sets on that drive do not show on the list.


How do I "find" them in Retrospect 8 console and add to the media list and use them in their scripts?


Thank you

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I backup to external drives


Actually Retrospect backups to Media Sets, not drives. External hard drives can be either a [color:purple]Member[/color] of a [color:purple]Disk Media Set[/color], or it can be a storage location for a [color:purple]File Media Set[/color].


Which are you using?



the media sets on that drive do not show on the list


On what list?


You can locate existing Media Sets at:


Media Sets->Locate->Select the Catalog


If it's a File Media Set, the Catalog will be on the same volume as the data.

If it's a Disk Media Set, the Catalog will be wherever you saved it when the set was created; the default location is

/Library/Application Support/Retrospect/

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I backup to external drives


Actually Retrospect backups to Media Sets, not drives. External hard drives can be either a [color:purple]Member[/color] of a [color:purple]Disk Media Set[/color], or it can be a storage location for a [color:purple]File Media Set[/color].


Which are you using?



the media sets on that drive do not show on the list


On what list?


You can locate existing Media Sets at:


Media Sets->Locate->Select the Catalog


If it's a File Media Set, the Catalog will be on the same volume as the data.

If it's a Disk Media Set, the Catalog will be wherever you saved it when the set was created; the default location is

/Library/Application Support/Retrospect/


I back up to disk Media Sets on external hard drives.


On the Media Sets list presented as one of the views in Retrospect 8 console.


Thanks for the directions. I'll go hunting.


Additional question prompted by this problem: When I unmount an external drive, should I leave the Media Sets located on that drive on the Media Sets list in Retrospect or "remove" them?


Thanks for any further tips.

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You can locate existing Media Sets at:


Media Sets->Locate->Select the Catalog


If it's a File Media Set, the Catalog will be on the same volume as the data.

If it's a Disk Media Set, the Catalog will be wherever you saved it when the set was created; the default location is

/Library/Application Support/Retrospect/


I do that and the OK button pulses but that's all.


It doesn't add the Media Sets to the list or do anything else.


Any suggestions appreciated.



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I back up to disk Media Sets on external hard drives.


No, you backup to Disk Media Sets, and you use the external hard drive volumes as [color:purple]Members[/color] of those sets.


When I unmount an external drive, should I leave the Media Sets located on that drive on the Media Sets list in Retrospect or "remove" them?


Your Media Sets are not located on a drive; the drive volumes are [color:purple]Members[/color] of the Media Set.






for the concept of a set.


For Disk Media Sets, it's unnecessary for any particular Member to be online in order for Retrospect to maintain its Catalog. So no, if you plan on using that Member again, removing the Media Set will just make your life a lot harder.



I do that and the OK button pulses but that's all.

You do what? I documented a file path, but did not provide specific steps.

What exactly do you do, and what exactly are you seeing as you do it?

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I do that and the OK button pulses but that's all.

You do what? I documented a file path, but did not provide specific steps.

What exactly do you do, and what exactly are you seeing as you do it?


Sorry... while a long time Dantz/Retro user, I'm still a beginner at the Forum's posting language.


I had been doing what you recommended in your post and specified with the file path.


I'll do it again and note here:


Launch Retro 8 Console (8.2.0 (399))

Select Media Sets in sidebar

Select Locate on bar

(Retro say Accessing and presents a drop to with "Select a Catalog" at the top

I navigate to my internal HD, then /Library/Application Support/Retrospect/Catalogs

Some of the Catalogs end with ".rbc" and some with "Media set.rbc" Those with the the later are all present in the list in Media Sets in the Console. Those with .rbc appear to be those where either the hard drive is not currently connected or the ones I'm trying to find on the drive connected.

I select one of those and click OK.

The OK just continues to pulse its color but nothing happens and the dialog remains open.



That's what I'm doing so if this should result in the Media Sets appearing on the list of Media Sets then I'm doing something wrong.


I appreciate your attempts to help.

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Some of the Catalogs end with ".rbc" and some with "Media set.rbc"


Your Catalog files are named what you entered in the "Media Set Name:" field when you originally created ("Added") the Media Set; the only thing Retrospect changes is the file extension to the Catalog file.



Those with .rbc appear to be those where either the hard drive is not currently connected or the ones I'm trying to find on the drive connected.


The behavior of Catalog files is unrelated to the on-line/off-line status of any individual Member(s); the program will do the same thing if drives are attached or not.



The OK just continues to pulse its color but nothing happens and the dialog remains open


I've got no idea why; it should either add or give you an error.


You might need to Rebuild the Media Set, using the Member(s).



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It seems to me, the novice, that just needing to relink Retrospect to existing Media Sets should be a snap.


In advance of my previous post, I created, added, deleted and located multiple Media Sets, both Disk and File.


Other then the slightly cumbersome need to navigate through the filesystem via the disclosure triangles, all actions worked exactly as expected.


There's no doubt that you are getting unexpected behavior, but there is not enough information to know for certain if the fault is within the program itself or if lies between the keyboard and the monitor.




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