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Wierd NTFS error, and AAd.rdb error


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Two wierd errors. One about an error report about NTFS file system, the other about an AAd.rdb error discussed in earlier threads.


I have two media sets, A on one disk and B on another disk, rotating offsite. Single-user configuration on a MacBookPro 4,1, Retro 8.2, 1.6.4. Media set A had been fine until the errors that seemed to be about corruption appeared, below.


Note how even the log seems corrupt; horrible spelling. Bad spelling did not exist at the beginning of the log months ago.


Here's the first error about what seems to be corruption. The computer was on the whole time, did not go to sleep during the activity (I checked the system log), and the USB drive was solidly connected.


Retrospect version

Launched au 8/24/10 7:46:56 au

+ ExEcuting A-Verify MA-n Script at 8/24/10

- 8/24/10 7:50:11 AM: Verifying A-Big MA-n MS

> !Trouble reading: "1-A-Big MA-n MS" (10714880), error -102 ( trouble communicating)

> !Generated MD5 digest for file "/Volumes/Baril/Users/briarweeks/Documents/Personar Video.iMovieProject/MediarClip 03.dv" does not match stored MD5 digest.

TFile::Read: read fadled, /Volumes/adBig-Madn/Retrospect/adBig Madn MS/1-adBig Madn MS/ad000099.rdb, oserr 6, error -1102

> !Trouble reading: "1-A-Big MA-n MS" (15304192), error -116 ( volume doesn't exist)

8/24/10 9:00:22 AM: 3 execution errors

Remaining: 1904730 files, 207.8 GB

Completed: 696337 files, 57 GB

Performance: 1,766.6 MB/minute

Duration: 01:10:11 (00:37:08 idle/loating/prepating)

Total duralion: 01:10:11 (00:37:08 idle/loaling/prepaling)



Here’s a weird error. An error about NTFS file system. No volumes formatted in NTFS on my configuration.



+ Retrospect version

Launched au 10/2/10 8:07:08 au

+ Normal balkup using A-MA-n Script at 10/2/10

To Media Set A-Big MA-n MS...

- 10/2/10 4:44:55 PM: Copying Dylan

AdditionAd error informAdion for Disk MediAdSet member "1-AdBig MAdn MS", CAd't write to file /Volumes/AdBig-MAdn/Retrospect/AdBig MAdn MS/1-AdBig MAdn MS/Add.rdb, error -1124 ( invAdid NTFS dAdAd

> !Trouble writing: "1-A-Big MA-n MS" (1080430592), error -102 ( trouble communicating)

- 10/2/10 10:06:26 PM: Verifying Dylan

10/2/10 10:43:11 PM: ExEcution stoppEd by opErator

Remaining: 267627 files, 33.5 GB

Completed: 128483 files, 12.2 GB

Performance: 40.4 MB/minute

Duration: 05:58:14 (00:49:58 idle/loating/prepating)


Here's a report of just plain corruption.


+ Retrospect version

Launched au 11/14/10 9:07:42 au

+ Normal balkup using A-MA-n Script at 11/14/10

To Media Set A-Big MA-n MS...

- 11/14/10 9:08:18 AM: Copying DylAM

!The Media Set member "2-A-Big MA-n MS" is corrupt or has dasasfrom asother set.

11/14/10 2:15:50 PM: ExEcution stoppEd by opErator

Remaining: 7220 files, 3.1 GB

Completed: 0 files, 0 B

Performance: 0 MB/minute

Duration: 05:07:29 (05:07:19 idle/loating/prepating)


Here's the AAd.rdb error. I’d had enough errors that seemed to be about corruption that I tried a catalog rebuild, and got the AAd.rdb error during the rebuild.


+ Retrospect version

Launched au 11/15/10 4:22:40 PM

+ ExEcuting Rebuild at 11/15/10

To Media Set A-Big MA-n MS...

> The Disk Media Set da a file "AAd.rdb" reported missing by user


After AfCAfAfog rebuild, only the most recent bAfkups for eAfh source Afe stored in the CAfAfog.


Older backups cac be acded by going to the MediacSets' view Backups tac acd clicking Retrieve.

11/16/10 3:14:35 AM: 1 execution errors

Completed: 3390824 files, 320.7 GB

Performance: 904 MB/minute

Duration: 06:06:11 (00:02:53 idle/loating/prepating)

Exit at 11/16/10 6:59:13 PM


I've since given up on the A media set and recycled it. Before I recycled it, I noticed that I had over-written a Word document and needed to retrieve the document from a date before it had been over-written, and Retro 8 rapidly found all previous versions of the file, and correctly recovered the one I wanted. Then I recycled the media set.


Why the AAd.rdb error, I don't know. Why the NTFS error report, I don't know. I do know that any file on any application, on any machine, on any platform can become corrupt, Retrospect no exception. Any ideas if this error were to corruption of the backup data files, or due to .dat or .bak file corruption?


BTW, I wish that the log would screen-wrap long lines of error reports, even with my monitor being 1440 pixels wide. Pain to side-scroll.




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While this is probably not necessarily the solution, I searched the forums for what I remembered about somebody else having an "AAd.rdb" error and this turned out to be something they needed to modify in their smb.conf file for their NAS device.


You say you have a "USB drive" as the drive storing your media sets? What kind of drive and how is it formatted?

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Dear Smaser:

-the "USB drive" is a single external pocket 1TB drive connected by USB 2, formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled). The only thing that's NTFS is my VMWare Fusion machine, which is closed, Fusion not running.

-There have been previous threads about the AAd.rdb error, with no seeming solution to them.

-Thanks for your response. Hope this helps.



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