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Quantum LTO 3 Falls off SCSI chain

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Hello. Im running Retrospect 8 on a Xserve running 10.5.8 server. I have a ATTO Express PCI 5L5D (firmware April 10 2009 & driver 4.4.1) connected to a Quantum LTO3 HH drive and every time i have to restart the server i have issues getting the drive to mount again.


I spoke to Quantum tech support who suggest that i power down and unplug the scsi from the drive, change the number to 6 (or 5) and then re plug everything in.


This normally works but this time it wont mount.


Does anyone have any ideas please.


Thanks for your time



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When this happens,


(1) does the drive show up in Apple System Profiler? If not, there is no hope for Retrospect to see it.


(2) does the drive show up using the ATTO configuration tool? If not, there is no hope for Retrospect to see it.


By the way, if this is a Retrospect 8 issue, you would get better responses by posting in the Retrospect 8 forum:

Retrospect 8 for Macintosh forum


Although it's not clear from the forum names, this forum is pretty much for Retrospect 6.x device issues.


And it would help if you provided some configuration facts about your Retrospect 8 installation (engine version 8.x.x, console 8.x.x).


When you say "this normally works but this time it wont [sic] mount", what changed from when it "normally works"? Retrospect? Mac OS X Server updates? xServe hardware? UL5D firmware or .kext update?


Can you run some diagnostics on the drive independent of Retrospect to verify that something hasn't broken? (cable, LVD drivers/receivers on the UL5D or on the drive, etc.)



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Thanks Russ


Ive just looked and no the drive does not show up in System profiler. (assuming it would show in the PCI cards or Parallel SCSI section). It also does not show up in the ATTO config tool (version 3.28) and again im assuming it would show as a popup like the other bus does.


Kinda makes me think i wasted everyones time here but at least ive learned something.


It seems to drop off every time i restart after an OS update - ive not got details to hand but the last update was a security update, if i need to investigate further here ill get all that info.


In my slight defense it was midnight here in the UK when i posted that - tired, annoyed backups not working etc.


Thanks again.


PS im also having an issue that my recycle backup keeps calling the tape the name from the previously run backup.. ill post that (with details) in the correct forum.


Have a good day



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