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finding contents on a backup device

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I'm trying to restore data from one of my backup hard drives. This used to be part of a daisy chain so data was being copied on multiple drives. Because one of the drives stopped working, I'd like to restore the files that are present on the drive that still works and start backing up on that one anew.


Is there a way to find out what's on that drive? It seems like I can find out what the contents of a backup set are, but not what's on a specific backup device that contains part of that backup set. Any suggestions?


Thanks in advance.

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Here's a workaround:


  1. Go to Configure> Backup Sets> Configure [your_backup_set]> Members
  2. Note the date and time that the desired member was first written to, as well as the date and time that the following member was first written to.
  3. Follow the usual steps for performing an Immediate Restore, searching for all files/folders in the backup set between the above two dates/times. Since you won't actually be performing a Restore, you can enter any accessible volume as a dummy destination.
  4. When the Searching and Retrieval window appears, click on "Files Chosen" to view the files on your desired member.


Hope this helps.

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