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Error -505 on linux clients


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Does anyone know how to resolve error -505 (backup client reserved) on in RedHat WS 3 and CentOS 4 clients? This has been happening since my update from Retrospect Single Server for Windows 7.6.x to 7.7.x up to 7.7.208. All clients, Mac, Windows, and Linux, have the latest Client software installed. (After clean installs the -505 on the Macs and Wins stopped but not on the linuxes).


There are no scheduled tasks for the linux clients during the scheduled backup times. The clients are also logged out and have no jobs running during those times.


The defined volumes affected include critical image data volumes that have no system files in them.


Stopping and restarting the Retrospect Client or rebooting the machine does resolve the issue for a while, but it eventually returns in two or three days.


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I don't think this is a firewall issue.


There is no hardware firewall between my (Windows 2008) backup server and my linux clients. Of course there are software firewalls, and these must remain up 24/7 -- we're behind the university's hardware firewall which for us to function necessarily must be more porous than a business one.


None of my client firewalls have been changed starting with Retrospect Single Server 7.5 (up to 7.7.208 now). Port 497 is open, and whenever I've checked, the server can connect to the linux clients and volumes via the Configure > Client windows.




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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't think it's anything other than a *Retrospect* problem. I've had the problem since 2008 (feel free to look up my post). Why is it that every other software seems to communicate just fine, despite internal and external firewalls, yet it's only Retrospect that has this problem? And this is despite upgrades to routers,firewalls, switches, and moving the box different places in the physical network. Next they'll tell me it's dust mites, I suspect.


I've soured on this product, it's d*mn near useless...

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