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Generated MD5 digest for file "..." does not match stored MD5 digest.


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I just recently started to receive these errors upon completion of a MSSQL full backup script. I searched and didn't really find any solid answers to this question. So I'm starting a new thread.


I'm running Retrospect 7.6.123 Multi Server. Clients are all 7.5.116. MSSQL Server 2005.


Any ideas?


"..." represents the database name:


- 1/12/2010 2:59:48 AM: Verifying MSSQL_Clients2

Generated MD5 digest for file "..." does not match stored MD5 digest.

Generated MD5 digest for file "..." does not match stored MD5 digest.

Generated MD5 digest for file "..." does not match stored MD5 digest.

Generated MD5 digest for file "..." does not match stored MD5 digest.

Generated MD5 digest for file "..." does not match stored MD5 digest.

Generated MD5 digest for file "..." does not match stored MD5 digest.


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Any ideas? The errors make me very nervous.


What is strange is that I have a differential script that is exactly the same as the full backup script. Points to the same backup sets and everything. The backup sets are NAS devices. The differential script completes with 0 errors.

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Russ' suggestion might be valid, however all our backup sets are encrypted and we do not see this problem.


To troubleshoot, can you try this backup with local storage? It might be the NAS you are using that's causing the problem.


Also you can try to update your clients to 7.6.107. That is the client we are using.

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Is it possible that this is happening during a verification pass, where the file on the source is being verified against the backup set? If so, the file might be changing between the time it was backed up and when it is being verified.


The whole point of MD5 digests is so that the saved MD5 can be compared against the MD5 calculated on the file in the backup set.


This is to eliminate the problem of backing up changing files (e.g., logs, mailboxes, etc.) because a "compare" between the file on disk won't ever match the file in the backup set.


If you are doing a verification pass to compare MD5 calculated on the source files against the MD5 values stored when the backup set was created, is it possible that the files have changed from the time when they were backed up?


I don't see information in this thread as to the types or modification dates, etc., of the files.


What if you were to use MSSQL to replicate the SQL database, and then back up the replica. Does the same error get reported?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all your help guys.


This happened for 4 weeks straight. Then it magically resolved itself. What the heck?


I verified that nothing was changing in the databases throwing the errors during the entire backup/verification pass.


I have no idea what could've caused this. Could it have been from a bad retrospect grooming script or something?

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