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7.7 Single Server


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1) Trying to figure out how to get a permanent license after purchasing the upgrade took a very long time, many tries, and finally some luck. I used a different computer and all of a sudden the activation process went from trying to sell me the software I had alredy purchased to giving me an activation code.


2) Installing has been a nightmare. I have been using Retrospect since version 5.0 and I have never had this much trouble. I went to each client machine and installed the new client and then found all the volumes in each client had been duplicated and I now had phantom volumes. So, delete each client and recreate. (I was unable to update each client from within Retrospect due to some error. Note that this error would come after I was informed that the client had been succesfully updated. In fact, the client had been deleted on the client machine and no new client installed.)


3) Backup sets: Not one backup set can find its respective catalog file. Even though the catalog file is on disk. I am queried as to where the catalog file is. I locate it with the file browser that pops up and select "Open" to open the catalog file. I get an error, "File could not be found. Check the name and try again."


I have not been able to run this program to backup anything. I cannot even access my version 7.0 catalog files.


Recommendation: Stay away until they can get it working.

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I found a solution to 3) -- Delete the backup set and then open the catalog file on disk. This recreates the backup set.


So the good news is that I was able to keep and use my scripts, backup files, and catalog files. Recreating the clients and backup sets is trivial compared to recreating all the scripts.


btw, I'm not seeing any memory leaks whle running four execution threads.


So, eating crow, I'd say that "STAY AWAY" is unjustified dramatic hyperbole.

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Every couple of days I come here hoping to see a post from 'EMC' saying how everything is fixed and this is just a bad dream.


Yet, I seem to read about more problems, yet in the meantime, I have a growing number of Win7 laptops on my network which I'm not backing up.


As luck would have it, I have tried two suppliers in the UK now, neither of which can get me the RS 7.7 upgrade - maybe a good thing?



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