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Added new client to existing script; stopped working.

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Hi. I'm preparing to replace an existing linux (CentOS 3) server with a new CentOS 5 server. After I installed the machine to the rack and the latest Retro client to the OS, I edited the script that backs up the original machine to add the new client to it, with the expectation it will back up both machines to the same backup sets until I switch the server tasking, at which point I will remove the old machine from the backup set and the data center.


Unfortunately Retrospect 7.7 Multi for Windows 2003 Server X64 doesn't seem to agree. The backup job starts (the script starts up at 1:30AM), nothing is recorded in the operation log, script log is empty, then I get a second startup message at 1:45AM when the next backup set for a different server kicks off. See this:


+ Retrospect version 7.7.203

Automatically launched at 1/7/2010 1:30 AM in user account BACKUPSERVER\User


+ Driver Update and Hot Fix, version (64-bit)


+ Retrospect version 7.7.203

Automatically launched at 1/7/2010 1:45 AM in user account BACKUPSERVER\User


+ Driver Update and Hot Fix, version (64-bit)


+ Normal backup using anothermachine at 1/7/2010 1:45 AM (Execution unit 2)

To Backup Set anothermachine-blue...


The script passes validation, the catalogs appear OK (no corruption) and there is plenty of disk space. The client can be reached from the server and seems to be set up OK. No pertinent messages in the event viewer, and the OS is fully patched.


Any ideas? Thanks. -Gary


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