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7.7 Client access


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Running Retrospect 7.7 Pro on Windows 7.7 Ultimate 64. Have run the 77102.exe driver update. Having migrated form an XP Pro SP3 machine and copied over the Config75.dat file, I was able to install the 7.7 client licence on the original host PC and run a partly successful backup (though the client hard disk was failing).


On installing the 7.7 client on a second client laptop which had origianlly used my other client licence, I was unable to back up the laptop, because Retrospect could not find it. Checking the Configure Client properties, version was recorded as 7.6.106 and ip address was incorrect. In the advanced tab, Retrospect client version was correctly shown as 7.7.106 and ip address was correct. Trying to add this as a client generated the error 'Sorry, couldn't add backuo client, error 560 (invalid private/public key)'.


Any advice very welcome - I cannot find a way to update the client information, but would like to continue using it with my original backup set.


Thanks in anticpation.

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