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same file, different clients: backed up twice?


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My question is this: if the same identical file resides on multiple clients, does retrospect notice this and only back up the file once? I ask because of course every single one of our machines has a full windows installation on it, which mostly consists of the same files. For this reason, I suspect (and hope) that retrospect does have the capability to notice this, but I can't find anything saying so in the documentation. If not, I will have to exclude .exe and .dll files from the backup...





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The way I inderstand it Retrospect will not backup multiple copies of the same file, even if it is on different client machines, but remember that anything can trigger Retrospect to think the file is different, including modification date & size. The best way to see if you will be safe is to get properties or info on the same file on different machines, and compare them.

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