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Incremental Backup problem in COPY mode


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I read some post about this problem but I'm not sure if I miss something in my configuration.


So, my setup:


XServe G5 PPC with XRaid

OSX 10.5.8 Server

Retrospect Single Server 8.1 (build 150)


Backup conf:

Copy a shared folder in a XRaid volume to another XRaid volume (used only for backup, not shared).


Problem found:

The copy seems to make every time a new fullcopy.

I'm sure that in some file my be change something but after a backup of 135GB it's impossible to have another one so similar, 118GB.



I've recently change all my configuration, upgrade from OSX 10.4.11 Server and Retrospect Workgroup 6.1 to this new setup shown above (same mac).

Never had this problem in the past.

I've also uncheck the Macintosh option "Use attribute modification date when matching".


Someone can help me please? Have I miss something?

Thank You very much!


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