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Tapes vs External Hard Drives?

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I haven't gotten a reply in the retrospect 5 and earlier forum, but I think this is general enough to ask here. I always seem to get "Bad Backup set headers" errors. The few times I've tried to recover files, I've never been able to get all of them without a lot of them giving me that error. Right know we backup to AIT-2 tapes and I have a feeling that its the ancient tape deck thats causing issues. I want to replace this with external hard drives, because I feel like these would be more reliable (and because the tape deck seems to freeze every other week or so).


- Will retrospect 5 support external hard drives as backup media?

- Will using external drives instead fix the problems with the corrupt files?


We have retropect 5 running on Mac OSX Server 10.1.4.



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I think your instinct to switch to external HD is correct. I'm doing that to retire a 300GB DLT drive for offsite redundancy. I'm using 500GB laptop external drives. Bare drives I rotate through an external usb enclosure. Then I send them offsite. My logic is the laptop drives are built to be more rugged than the bigger desktop drives.


If Retro 5 can use a "disk media set" to which you can add members, I would try it if I were you.

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