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Map Error -2,147,203,754 and SQL not working

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I am running Multi Server Version 7.6.123 on Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition, SP2.


I get an error on all of my files sytem backups: "MapError: unknows Windows error -2,147,203,754" Also, it started not doing incremental backups properly. It was copying everything. I fixed the increamental backup by re-catalogging my backup sets. MapError persists.


About the same time this started happening, my SQL database backups stopped working.


My SQL Server volume is gray in the volumes list. If I try to modify the login info, it tells me "sorry, authencication failed. Please Retry." But I am using the same Windows domain login that I have allways used, and I can log in just fine with those credencials using MS SQL Server Management Studio. DB Backups report error -1221 (Can't access database)


Any ideas? Might these issues be related?


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An update: I find that the SQL Server Agent is not started in SQL Server Management Studio. If I try to start it, I get the events errors:


Could not load the DLL xpstar90.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 193(xpstar90.dll is not a valid Win32 application.).




Failed to retrieve SQLPath for syssubsystems population.




SQLServerAgent could not be started (reason: Failed to load any subsystems. Check errorlog for details.).


I looked on another SQL Server machine and found the XPStart90.dll file. It was not on my machine that has trouble. I copied it to this machine, and I get the above errors. (Prior, I got a file not found error instead of the Not a Valid Application error.)


I have searched for missing XPStart90.dll errors and found other instances of it, but no solutions. Any ideas?


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