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Again: "Please update server and console" when it really is "Engine" needing update/install?

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I am updating 8.0 to 8.1.

The instructions in the automatic update notice from within Retrospect reads


Important: In addition to (snip)..

1. Click (snip) .. web page

2. Download the updater and mount the disc image

3. Doubleclick the install Retrospect Engine icon and follow the instructions to update the Retrospect Engine.


I download the update and install it.

Retrospect restarts and informs me:


"Please update the console and server to the latest versions"


- it really would be great if this was changed to "Please update the Retrospect engine" if this is what we should do?


- for the instructions to say "download the _entire_ updater; the engine update resides there".


- 3. Doubleclick the "install Retrospect Engine" icon and follow the instructions which will update the Retrospect Engine.



I was not confused this time, because Dave kindly helped untangling me last time (http://forums.dantz.com/showtopic.php?tid/30819/; at the end of thread) .....



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