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Moving script and BackUp to a new Mac

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Previous Setting:

I started a BackUp of a 12TB NAS Box to Hard Drives on a

Mac Quicksilver Dual 1 GHz G4

Mac OS X Server 10.4.11

Retrospect Workgroup 20-Pack v6.1.230


I have 5 Set Members so far on the NAS BackUp


New Setting:

I set a G5 Dual 2GHz as a new BackUp Server

Mac OS X Server 10.4.11

Retrospect Workgroup 20-Pack v6.1.230


I started a BackUp of an Attached SATA 3.4TBS Box


My Problem:

- I copied the catalog from the old server into the new one and it showed up.

- I have now two BackUp Sets which is fine with me

- I could not find a way to export and import the script from my old G4 to my G5

- I created a new script including only the smallest folder to test into the same BackUp Set used by the old G4. Retrospect scanned the folder but started to backup the content again although they are on the previous catalog.


- What can I do continue the previous backup Set on the new G5?

- Do I need to rebuild the Catalog from Set Members?







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Previous Setting:

I started a BackUp of a 12TB NAS Box to Hard Drives on a

Mac Quicksilver...


New Setting:

I set a G5 Dual 2GHz as a new BackUp Server

Mac OS X Server 10.4.11

Retrospect Workgroup 20-Pack v6.1.230


I started a BackUp of an Attached SATA 3.4TBS Box...

It's not perfectly clear here whether the 3.4 TB Box has been added as a source, or whether it has replaced the NAS as a source.


My Problem:

- I copied the catalog from the old server into the new one and it showed up.

Good. That's what should happen.


- I have now two BackUp Sets which is fine with me

So, you must at some point have made the decision to create a new backup set.


- I could not find a way to export and import the script from my old G4 to my G5

If you still want to do this, go to the folder /Library/Preferences/Retrospect on the G4 and copy the file Retro.Config to the corresponding folder on the G5, replacing that folder's Retro.Config file. If you do this, of course you will lose any new scripts you may have created on the G5.


- I created a new script including only the smallest folder to test into the same BackUp Set used by the old G4. Retrospect scanned the folder but started to backup the content again although they are on the previous catalog.

You don't say where that small source folder resides. Is it on the NAS?


Are you sure that Retrospect wanted to back up everything again? Perhaps it only wanted to back up those files that had recently changed. (More on this below.)


- What can I do continue the previous backup Set on the new G5?

Either copy over your old version of Retro.Config as I describe above, or else write a new script using the original backup set as the destination.


- Do I need to rebuild the Catalog from Set Members?

You shouldn't have to do this.


Moving the Retrospect app and existing catalogs to a new computer will have no effect on what Retrospect wants to back up. In a Normal backup, Retrospect will back up only those files that it sees as having changed since the previous backup to the same backup set, subject to whatever selection criteria and options that you set when you wrote your backup script.


You don't have to actually run a backup script all the way through to determine what files Retrospect wants to back up. Instead, you can follow these steps: Run an Immediate Backup, but after you have entered your source, destination, etc., click on the "Preview" button instead of the "Backup" button. Retrospect will go through all the preparations for the backup, but will then present you with a list of files on the source. Files marked with a diamond are those that match what is already in the backup set. Files without a diamond are what Retrospect wants to back up.


If you are still having problems, please give us more information about the sources, backup set destination, and selection criteria you're using in your script.

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Thank for Replying.

The 3.4 TB Box was added on a new script to the G5. My original idea was to leave the G4 finish the BackUp of the NAS Box then use only the G5.


The small folder I used a test is a sub folder of the NAS box and has not change content at all and I can see the content on a catalog session.


In the new G5 script I only have 300 GBs and I guess I can move the old files into the new G5 and redo those 300 GBs.


I will also try the preview button as well.



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Previous Setting:

I started a BackUp of a 12TB NAS Box to Hard Drives on a

Mac Quicksilver...


New Setting:

I set a G5 Dual 2GHz as a new BackUp Server

Mac OS X Server 10.4.11

Retrospect Workgroup 20-Pack v6.1.230


I started a BackUp of an Attached SATA 3.4TBS Box...

It's not perfectly clear here whether the 3.4 TB Box has been added as a source' date=' or whether it has [i']replaced[/i] the NAS as a source.


The 3.4 TB Sata Box was added to the G5 and I started Retrospect from scratch with a new script for this box as a source and a new HD Set as a destination.


- I have now two BackUp Sets which is fine with me
So, you must at some point have made the decision to create a new backup set.


Yes on the new G5. New Source, New Backup Set


- I could not find a way to export and import the script from my old G4 to my G5
If you still want to do this, go to the folder /Library/Preferences/Retrospect on the G4 and copy the file Retro.Config to the corresponding folder on the G5, replacing that folder's Retro.Config file. If you do this, of course you will lose any new scripts you may have created on the G5.


I did this and when I did a test pointing at the Old Backup Set. Retrospect asked me for the old computer where the backup set HD were attached to (G4)

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I did this and when I did a test pointing at the Old Backup Set. Retrospect asked me for the old computer where the backup set HD were attached to (G4)

I guess you didn't follow my advice about looking in the User's Guide.


Unless you specifically tell it, Retrospect has no way of knowing that you have copied that backup set's catalog to the new drive volume. The easiest way to tell Retrospect where the catalog is now located is to double-click on the file in Finder.


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I did this and when I did a test pointing at the Old Backup Set. Retrospect asked me for the old computer where the backup set HD were attached to (G4)

I guess you didn't follow my advice about looking in the User's Guide.

Unless you specifically tell it' date=' Retrospect has no way of knowing that you have copied that backup set's catalog to the new drive volume. The easiest way to tell Retrospect where the catalog is now located is to double-click on the file in Finder.



Yes I followed your advice moving all the retrospect files to the right places as well as the old catalog and still wanted to backup everything again. I have checked and double checked the existence of the files on the backup set catalog and same result.


Can I contact you directly? I need to get this situation solved if possible or else start over again.





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a new HD Set as a destination

Let's start with the correction that Retrospect 6.x for Mac OS does not have a Hard Drive Backup Set; you are using

Removable Disk
Backup Sets.


The 3.4 TB Sata Box was added to the G5 and I started Retrospect from scratch with a new script for this box as a source and a new HD Set as a destination


So the behavior of the SATA device attached to the G5 and it the Backup Set to which you are writing has absolutely nothing to do with the matching issue you are experiencing in regards to the NAS backup that had previously been done on the G4? Best to omit such information; it only adds confusion.


I created a new script including only the smallest folder to test into the same BackUp Set used by the old G4. Retrospect scanned the folder but started to backup the content again although they are on the previous catalog.


To be clear:

- A network attached storage device (of an unknown make and model) was mounted as a share point on the G4 (using an unknown filesharing protocol) and used as a Source for a Removable Disk Backup Set.

- The same NAS device was then mounted on a different computer, yet files that should Match what's already in the Backup Set are apparently seen by Retrospect as not being identical.


The catalog file is the same. The Members of the Media Set are the same. The physical NAS device is the same. So what has changed?


Since the Source is not physically connected to the machine running Retrospect, you are expecting the NAS device's file sharing to behave the same on both machines.


Is there any difference between how the NAS was mounted on the G4 and is now mounted on the G5?


You need to compare what Retrospect sees as the attributes of the files now to the attributes of the same files already in the Backup Set.


Run the pre-flight test twickland described above. Assuming the files in your test folder display with a checkmark (Marked for backup) and no diamond (meaning Retrospect does not see an identical version in the Backup Set already), select one such file and Get Info (Command+I). Move the resulting info window to the side.


Go to Reports->Contents->YourBackupSet->AppropriateSession->Browse


Navigate to the same test folder, find the same test file, and Get Info.


Compare the attributes in the two info windows, and see what Retrospect sees as different.




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a new HD Set as a destination

Let's start with the correction that Retrospect 6.x for Mac OS does not have a Hard Drive Backup Set; you are using

Removable Disk
Backup Sets.


The 3.4 TB Sata Box was added to the G5 and I started Retrospect from scratch with a new script for this box as a source and a new HD Set as a destination


So the behavior of the SATA device attached to the G5 and it the Backup Set to which you are writing has absolutely nothing to do with the matching issue you are experiencing in regards to the NAS backup that had previously been done on the G4? Best to omit such information; it only adds confusion.


I created a new script including only the smallest folder to test into the same BackUp Set used by the old G4. Retrospect scanned the folder but started to backup the content again although they are on the previous catalog.


To be clear:

- A network attached storage device (of an unknown make and model) was mounted as a share point on the G4 (using an unknown filesharing protocol) and used as a Source for a Removable Disk Backup Set.

- The same NAS device was then mounted on a different computer, yet files that should Match what's already in the Backup Set are apparently seen by Retrospect as not being identical.


The catalog file is the same. The Members of the Media Set are the same. The physical NAS device is the same. So what has changed?


Since the Source is not physically connected to the machine running Retrospect, you are expecting the NAS device's file sharing to behave the same on both machines.


Is there any difference between how the NAS was mounted on the G4 and is now mounted on the G5?


You need to compare what Retrospect sees as the attributes of the files now to the attributes of the same files already in the Backup Set.


Run the pre-flight test twickland described above. Assuming the files in your test folder display with a checkmark (Marked for backup) and no diamond (meaning Retrospect does not see an identical version in the Backup Set already), select one such file and Get Info (Command+I). Move the resulting info window to the side.


Go to Reports->Contents->YourBackupSet->AppropriateSession->Browse


Navigate to the same test folder, find the same test file, and Get Info.


Compare the attributes in the two info windows, and see what Retrospect sees as different.





Thanks for all your help but I just started from scratch. One of the Backup Set members just got corrupted today and I prefer to start a fresh Set and what I had on my previous set was only a couple Terabytes. Thanks again

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