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Operations Log Error 1309

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hello - I have been using 6.1 with Leopard on a MBP 2.4Ghz machine with 4GB of Ram for a few years now. I have been backing the machine up with a easyscript from retrospect the whole time. I recently started to get a error message 1309

can't save changes to the operations log,(file to large for allocation block size. I have looked through the forums and have discovered that the limit of the file size of the operations log is 2GB and my operations log is 2GB big now. My question is what do I do next, do I keep the log in another folder and start a new one ? do I trash it ? Any thoughts or help would be great.





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My question is what do I do next, do I keep the log in another folder and start a new one ? do I trash it ? Any thoughts or help would be great.

Turn on log rolling to preserve the most recent XXX MB of the log.

Special > Preferences > Logging, set desired max log size.




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Sorry, perhaps my post was a bit too cryptic. Here are the specifics in more detail.


(1) Launch Retrospect

(2) click the "Special" button / tab

(3) click the "Preferences" button

(4) click the "Logging" preference line in the left column to get logging options

(5) enter some non-zero value in the "Log Size Limit" box


Your log will then become a circular buffer of the maximum size that you entered into the Log Size Limit box, such that it "rolls" around. Retrospect will display the most recent XXX MB (as you specified), and older log entries will be overwritten.


For full details, see page 158 of the Retrospect Users Guide:

Retrospect 6.x Users Guide



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Hi Russ - Cryptic is a great adjective but I think in this case it is that I take things very literal.

Yes I have been through all of the items you have been so kind to point out. What is interesting though is that the logging MB limit was already set at 10MB. This makes me wonder how the file size reached 2GB and thus not useful as a operations log for the meantime.

When I view the operations log via the retrospect interface it is blank even though it is a 2GB file. I do not know what this would mean, "a blank file" that is full.

I think what I will do is go ahead and clear the operations log via the edit clear log function in retrospect. I suspect this could cause problems with rebuilding catalogs amongst other things that the operations log may be referred to for maintenance or retrieval of lost data.

In my case I can throw away my current catalogs since I have not lost anything and do not need to go back in time to retrieve anything that I have thrown away.

But I do wonder why the rolling log function seems to not be doing it's job. Forgive me if I am way off on my thoughts on this one and thanks again for spending anytime on this one with me and the retrospect community.


Best, John

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Hmmm. If your logging MB limit was already set at 10 MB, then something odd is happening. Log rolling has always worked perfectly for me since version 2.0 in 1992 or so, through all the versions to 6.1.x. It's one of the few things that has never broken for me.


Here's my suggestion.


(1) quit Retrospect

(2) move the current log somewhere (such as your Desktop) so that Retrospect can't find it on launch. If you want, you could look at it with some sort of a text editor (BBEdit or its free cousin, TextWrangler, both from BareBones Software). It's a text file with odd embedded binary numbers to reference certain Retrospect objects.

(3) Restart Retrospect - it should recreate a new log.


The log is just a log (output only spewed forth from Retrospect) - it has nothing to do with rebuilding of catalogs or catalog or backup set integrity.


See how that works.



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Russ - That worked out perfectly. Thanks! It is good to know that the Operations log has no impact on recovery etc. It is strange how it did not roll over though. I will pay attention to the file size over the coming months. It is also interesting to note that the old operations file would not open in any text editing apps. Maybe it was a corrupted file?

Anyway, thanks again.

Best - John Kent

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Hmm... on rereading your description that it can't even be opened by a text editor, something is badly wrong.


I'm beginning to suspect that you may have some filesystem issues on that volume, perhaps the filesystem tree got all wound up on itself, or a corrupted free list allocated the same inode to multiple files, etc.


I suggest that you run Disk Utility on the drive and repair the filesystem (no, this is not a "repair permissions" issue; it's much more serious if it is what I think it is).


The best way to do that, if it's your boot volume, is to boot from the install CD and run Disk Utility there, or boot from another disk while running Disk Utility.


Something could be very wrong....



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Russ - You have convinced me to upgrade my disk warrior app.

Thanks for the nudge, I think it will resolve the issue in question amongst others that the system seems to be experiencing at the moment. I am using OS 10.5.7. It seems that other folks who have upgraded to this update are experiencing similar system issues. It seems that this issue I am having with the operations log is not a retrospect issue. I look forward to upgrading to retrospect 8 when there are less bug reports. Again thanks for your help.




John Kent

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Sounds like a good plan.


We, too, look forward to upgrading to Retrospect 8 when it stabilizes, has documentation, and becomes more feature complete (ability to synchronize with external scripts so that server services can be quiescent when backed up; ability to read backups of its prior versions; and, hopefully, to communicate with a Mac Classic client, of which we still have one for a legacy application).



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