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External Hard Drive won't eject / unmount

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Since I upgraded to R8 on Mac OS 10.5.7, my external back drives (LaCie Big Disk Triple interface) won't eject, even after I quit Retrospect 8. I get the error message "The volume could not be ejected because it is currently in use."


Any ideas / help out there?



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even after I quit Retrospect 8.

Exactly what do you mean by this statement? Do you mean that you are quitting the Retrospect 8 console, the Retrospect 8 engine, both, or what?


If you are quitting the engine, how are you doing that?


What do you have Retrospect 8 storing / using on that external drive? (sources? destinations?)


What type of media sets are you using?


What type of backup scripts are you using? (proactive? scheduled?)


Is grooming enabled?


The Terminal command "lsof" (without the quotes) will show you what program has files open on that volume. Look there, report back.



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