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Best hardware stategy

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We need to backup two macOSX server for file sharing. 160Gig capacity, about 60 Gig used, growing fast. We are using a beige G3 connected the current a switching hub in which the two servers are also hooked up (single DLT-4000 tape, about 30Gig in the backup). We are looking for an autoloader as fast as we can afford to backup only users data.




Retro manual says it is better to have a dedicated backup, not to hook the tape device to a file server. I understand the general principal, that a working server might have conflict for ressources if a backup is running (limited if it could be done during weekends). But then we are limited by network speed, which at the moment is for us 100MBps=12MB/sec, some device can backup at higher speeds in a perfect world (real backup are admittledly slower).




What are the risks and other disadvantages to hook the tape device to one server. Is it really better to have another backup computer and what are the best ways to be sure the tape device runs at top speed?





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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Gilles-




We ran into a similar problem when connecting our backup device to a G3 Server running ASIP -- I've heard Retrospect and ASIP don't play along too well. We upgraded the G3 to a G4 and now all is well. I have no idea if it was the hardware but everything seems to working just great.




If you decide to get a dedicated backup server, I don't think you would have a problem with speed. DLT 4000 tape drives are rated at 1.5 MB/s when it's locally attached so having it go over a network with 12 MB/s speeds is fine.

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