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Mac 6.2.234 client inaccessible

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When I say inaccessible I mean the client is "On" and "Ready", however the backup server (Proactive Script) cannot see client, even though it was successfully backed up just a day or two before.


I should note that this seems to occur only with my MacBook users, desktop users seem unaffected.


Currently my only resolution is to go to EACH system and "Command" toggle off/on the Retrospect Client.


Not sure if this will help, but I saw another similar post that asked the user to supply the process information when the client was in the "failed" state.


Here is mine with before and after results...


HD:~ user$ ps axlwww | fgrep retro


0 144 1 0 31 0 81532 712 - S ?? 1:36.81 /Applications/Retrospect Client.app/Contents/Resources/retroclient


504 2192 2181 0 31 0 599700 296 - R+ s000 0:00.00 fgrep retro


*** Note: Client process restarted by toggling client off/on with Command key. ***


HD:~ user$ !!


ps axlwww | fgrep retro


0 2199 1 0 31 0 79972 916 - Ss ?? 0:00.05 /Applications/Retrospect Client.app/Contents/Resources/retroclient


504 2202 2181 0 31 0 599820 432 - S+ s000 0:00.00 fgrep retro




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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a similar issue...was resolved by removing that source (Client) and re-adding to the script. I sometimes occasionally have an intermittent problem with MAC client's.


Not sure that the user has not shut down on those occassions.



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