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Migrating from 5.6 to 7.6

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Greetings all,


We currently run an older client (5.6.127) which has been fine for our simple backups. However we are now incorporating exchange into the mix so we will be upgrading retrospect. Is there a way to migrate our settings/scripts from 5.6 to 7.6? Ive attempted renaming the old config55 to config75 but Retrospect wouldnt even start.


Any help would be great, thanks!

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Upgrading from versions of Retrospect prior to 6.5: Upgrades from versions prior to Retrospect 6.5 are not supported. Uninstall the previous version of Retrospect, then install Retrospect 7.6. Your configuration information will be lost.

However, note from the Retrospect 7.0 Read Me:


Upgrading from versions of Retrospect prior to 5.6: If you are upgrading to Retrospect 7.0 from 5.5, take the following steps to preserve your Retrospect configuration information:


1. Copy your existing Retrospect config files (config*.*) to a temporary folder.

2. Uninstall the old version of Retrospect.

3. Install Retrospect 7.0.

4. Copy the Retrospect config files from the temporary folder to the installed Retrospect folder before launching Retrospect 7.0 for the first time.


Upgrades from versions prior to Retrospect 5.5 are not supported. Uninstall the previous version of Retrospect, then install Retrospect 7.0. Your configuration information will be lost.

So, it seems that, to do what you want, you would first have to do an upgrade to Retrospect 7.0, launch Retrospect and let it do its magic to update the configurations, quit, upgrade to 7.6.


I suggest that you contact EMC support, and they might be able to supply a 7.0 version temporary license to help you through this pain. The 7.0 update is available here (but you will need a 7.0 license):

Retrospect 7.0 update


Haven't done this particular upgrade myself.


I seem to recall that you get 30 days of free support with an upgrade purchase.

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