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Can't get selector to work

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I backup "folder" Palm/Users/Backups to FTP There also is /Previous Backup and Previous Backup1 which I don't want backed up.


I can't seem to get the selector to work. I have tried always exclude folder name contains Previous and it keeps backing up that folder. I can email screen shot if that helps.

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How are folders "Previous Backup" and "Previous Backup 1" structured?


Using Exclude Folder... will exclude only those files at the root level of the folder in question. Files contained in any subfolder will still be backed up.


To exclude everything within a folder, use Exclude Enclosing Folder...

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Thank you for all the help! I think I can get it to do what I want now.


The unwanted folders may have been part of an earlier snapshot before I changed the selector.


I have deleted the filed on the ftp site and deleted the previous snapshot.


It should do a recycle backup tonight and I will check what actually was backed up.


Thanks for the "check selector" tip, I did not know that was available.


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Back to the drawing board. I deleted everything at the ftp site, renamed the backup set.


Used the selector "go daddy" tested it, passed test. Did backup, checked report previous 1 and previous 2 were not in the report.


Did restore from ftp "go daddy" and previous 1 and previous 2 are available for restore? There is only one snapshot as I have only run "go daddy" once.

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Does it matter if those folders are backed up? Since Retrospect supposedly only backs up files which are new or different, regardless of which folder or which computer that file is on, having multiple copies of the same file shouldn't take up any more space on the backup disk/tape.


ie. FileA is at ~/Palm/Users/Backups/FileA during one backup, and the identical unchanged file is at ~/Palm/Users/Previous Backup 1/FileA during the next backup. Doesn't Retrospect recognise that the file is the same during its "matching" process & mark the current location of the file without copying the actual data again?

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Does it matter if those folders are backed up?


Retrospect doesn't actually back up folders. That is, it doesn't write them to the backup media, but instead notes their existence in the Snapshot.


On Restore, Retrospect makes new folders, names the correctly, and puts the files inside.


Doesn't Retrospect recognise that the file is the same during its "matching" process & mark the current location of the file without copying the actual data again?


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Did restore from ftp "go daddy" and previous 1 and previous 2 are available for restore?

What is the meaning of your question mark? Was that just a typo?


When you attempted your restore operation, did you turn the disclosure triangles of folders "previous 1" and "previous 2" to see if there were any contents to those folders?


If your selector works correctly when you check it, and if the files are not listed for any session in the backup set contents report, they should not be there when you are attempting a restore operation.


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What is the meaning of your question mark? Was that just a typo?


Am trying to figure out why the unwanted files keep getting backed up. That was purpose of question mark.



When you attempted your restore operation, did you turn the disclosure triangles of folders "previous 1" and "previous 2" to see if there were any contents to those folders?


Yes, the files are available for restore.


If your selector works correctly when you check it,


Seems to. Previous and Previous1 are not selected by selector Go Daddy.


and if the files are not listed for any session in the backup set contents report, they should not be there when you are attempting a restore operation.


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Well, I can only think of one more thing to check.


Please confirm that when you go to Reports> Contents, there is only one backup session listed for the backup set in question (unless you have performed additional backups since the backup set was created); and that when you browse that session (or sessions, if there are now more than one), the files that reside in "previous 1" and "previous 2" on your source volume do not appear in the backup session list(s).

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