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Erase files from backup set

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I am running Retrospect for MAC 6.1 on Mac OS X Leopard. Archiving to a Quantum LTO-3. Source files are on a local disk.


I have a script that backups every files located in the BACKUP folder of a disk called BACKUP everynight at 3AM. The thing that happened is that another computer started to flood the folder with millions of 0KB files and Retrospect started the script to backup on tape. Now everytime I try to retrieve a file from a tape it takes forever because the BackupSet file has gone from 5MB to 230MB. Is there a way to delete these files from the BackupSet ou Tapes so that my Retrieve time comes back to normal?

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Is there a way to delete these files from the BackupSet ou Tapes so that my Retrieve time comes back to normal?

Sorry, no. You have three choices that I can think of.


(1) Reset the backup set, make a new backup without those files. Of course, that wipes out your backup history.


(2) save those tapes away, start a new backup set to new tapes.


(3) If you have sufficient spare storage, or another tape drive, use Retrospect's "Transfer" command to transfer older stuff in that backup set to a new backup set (either on Disk, then back out to new or reset/erased tapes, or to a new backup set on another tape drive).


Retrospect really doesn't want to turn loose of files once they get into the backup set.


The Windows version of Retrospect, and perhaps Retrospect 8, when/if it arrives, has "grooming" that allows you to preserve recent snapshots while throwing away everything older, but even if you had that feature, that wouldn't seem to solve your particular problem, which is to get rid of some unwanted files from the middle of the backup set.



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Well, if you've got a backup of the Catalog file from when tape 11 was being used, you could just "update" the catalog from that point (save the present catalog away, perhaps on your Desktop, in case things go badly), then, when doing the update, mark tape 12 as missing when it asks for that tape.


Yes, you would be able to continue working with the current backup set, but would lose everything on tape 12 (because it would be marked "missing"). Understand the difference between a backup set (the tape members, the database holding all of your backup data) and the catalog (an index into the database, telling Retrospect what is stored in each snapshot, and where the data is, etc.).



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Ok, so can I edit the catalog?

No. You can update/rebuild it. See discussion above.


Or can I use the TRANSFER function to swap the files I would want to remove to somewhere else?

No, you use TRANSFER to copy from one backup set to another (as to a new backup set). Note that this is not the same as copying files; it is copying data from one backup set to another. See the section in the Users Guide regarding Transfer.


So, if you have lots of storage somewhere, you could TRANSFER stuff from your existing backup set (such as, for example everything except your bad files) to a new backup set. If the new backup set is disk, then you could transfer that backup set's contents back to a new tape backup set (or a recycled existing set). If you have two tape drives, you could TRANSFER from one tape backup set to another.


And how do I list all the files contained on a tape?

Read the section of the Users Guide about Reports beginning on page 137.



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If you mark tape 12 as missing and then rebuild the catalog, all files on tape 12 will no longer be accessible for retrieval. They will not be removed from tape 12 (the database). You can later mark tape 12 as "found", if you want, and rebuild the catalog again, to retrieve files from that tape.

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