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maximum storageset size 1000gb

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I have just seen this message this morning which I am surprised about.




I am using a robot system with 40 tapes. I have just filled about 17 1/2 tapes, and I get:


"Can't add that much data to backup set. Limited to 1000.0 G total"




Why is this?




Any suggestions for methods of increasing this size, so I can get more than 45 days of backup before redundant sets are needed?




Thank you,




Using Mac workgroups v4.3c

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Are you saying that PC version 5.3 does have the same 1000gb limit?




Isnt there anything that can be edited that can modify both the Mac and PC (last) versions to increase this?










PS; this 1000gb limit should be set as a recommended default in storageset configs, and then be selectable to maybe 40x75gb for the next 12 months until still newer technology is available.





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We do not have a version 5.3. However, only the currently shipping Windows version, Retrospect 6.0, does not have this limit. All earlier versions are limited to 1000g, which is coded into the program, and unchangeable.




There are no workarounds on either the Macintosh or earlier versions of the Windows product. We hope to lift the Macintosh limit on a future release.

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