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Unable to restore


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I have retrospect express HD 2.0.214 and an Iomega 500Gb Network Hard drive.


I used the recommended settings for backup.


The PC has died and been replaced. I have been unable to restored any data.


No restore points are shown.

I have mounted and mapped the drive to \\\public z:\

I can naviagte to Z:\Retrospect Restore Points and see a 1.2Gb joe12.rbc file.

Within Z:\Retrospect Restore Points\Retrospect\JOE12\1-JOE12 there are 250 rdb files and 1 execinfo.dat file.


I believe I need to rebuld the catalog but if i delete the rbc file and try to perform the maintenance through the software nothing happens.


I am completly stuck with no data please help




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